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I teach developers how to use Drupal. I think Drupal is one of the best content management systems out there today, and as developers begin to learn all that Drupal is capable of, they tend to agree that it is awesome. Throughout the training process and we go through content types, fields,… Read More
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Cartoonish figure with a checkmark and an X
When designing, developing, and migrating a large county site that incorporates more than 40 separate sites into one Drupal codebase using core muti-site features, it can be expected that some individual site owners will have particular requirements that pose distinct challenges. One such… Read More
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Image with the words Dynamic, Tome and Static
More so than ever before, the public sector is relying on websites to handle a depth and breadth of heavy lifting —serving as a central information hub, providing a venue for taking care of official business, advancing civic pride, alerting citizens to weather and public health emergencies, and a… Read More
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On the surface, there’s not much about Drupal maintenance and support that seems compelling.  The exciting part, of course, is the design, development, and launch of a new site—this phase is full of promise, game-changing possibilities, and anticipation on many levels.  If the… Read More
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Drupal Support and Maintenance
For St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Yonkers, N.Y., the migration of a Drupal 6 website built in 2010, to a redesigned Drupal 8.9 site that's positioned to seamlessly migrate to Drupal 9, stands to drive the next phase of the institution's growth and global impact.  Keys goals… Read More
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St. Vladimir's Website
Whether working with a Drupal consulting company on a new web build, or starting out as a Drupal developer, Drupal terminology often emerges as a sticking point. There’s a lot of Drupal jargon that’s not intuitive.  As a Drupal Trainer, I’ve found that a lot of time can be saved, and… Read More
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Drupal terminology and jargon
Seeking to ultimately create a globally centralized, online presence for all of its commercial customers, Lenovo reached out to Promet Source for a range of initiatives that included a performance audit, a Drupal 8 migration, integration with the Lenovo Martech stack, consolidation of 15… Read More
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Lenovo website
At the heart heart of Promet's mission lately: make life easier and better for everyone who manages a Drupal website. That's what Provus® is all about. Provus® combines the latest drag-and-drop page building tools in Drupal with a curated library of design components, enabling content editors… Read More
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Provus drag and Drop Drupal content editing
Drupal 9’s big splash in early June sparked a widespread realization that migration needed to move to front burner status. While the Drupal organization has extended the Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 decommission date in response to COVID-19 related upheaval and uncertainty, other factors fueling migration… Read More
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Drupal 9 Migration
Drupal 9 is here at last. The big question within the Drupal sphere as we enter this new phase in the evolution of my favorite CMS:  What now? In an environment of Covid-19 quarantines and stay-at-home orders, websites are being relied upon to do more heavy lifting than ever before. I’m… Read More
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Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 migration