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We’re well familiar with the saying that “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Nowhere is that more true than on a web page. Banner images are an essential element in effectively conveying the brand and the culture within a framework for design flexibility. There’s a lot… Read More
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Icons for banner component creation
Drush and Drupal have co-mingled as trusted companions for more than a decade. Drush can be used to set up Drupal, maintain it, and deploy it.  Drush is a command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal. It runs update.php, executes SQL queries, runs content migrations, along with… Read More
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Drush and Drupal logos surrounded by other icons
Load-testing is an essential exercise to methodically test a Drupal site to ensure it can handle a high volume of traffic without encountering performance issues. In a previous post, we discussed how Locust can be used to simulate concurrent user requests and measure site performance.  This is… Read More
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meter depicting load testing
Powering the NASA site, along with 14 percent of the top 10,000 websites worldwide, Drupal marks the next frontier in it’s 20 year history this month with the December 14 release of Drupal 10.  Among the biggest questions concerning the upcoming release: Why now? Fact is, the December 14… Read More
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Drupal 10 in the sky surrounded by Drupal 8 and Drupal 9 logos
Takeaway: When Orange County, California embarked on a massive website migration project, they faced a common challenge in the public sector: how to break free from costly proprietary systems and create a flexible, user-friendly web presence. Here you'll find Orange County's journey from vendor… Read More
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Municipal digital transformation image
I was recently thinking about Promet’s engagement with British Columbia’s Knowledge Network, and was reminded of a famous maxim from the theater world: “There are no small parts, only small actors.” I’ve always loved that saying because it drives home the point that excellence at every level and… Read More
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Cultivating a Drupal Site
Among the Drupal site owners who are experiencing first-hand how easy (and actually, how fun) it can be to make updates and switch up layouts whenever needed, the first generation of Provus® is a rather big deal. The same can be said for developers, for whom component-based design systems are… Read More
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Unwrapping a new content editor
I’ve done a lot of Drupal training over the years. Drupal is an awesome CMS and I love the opportunity to help those who are new to Drupal to get solid, career-boosting skills. Invariably, there are "AHA" moments among class participants who learn something about Drupal that they had never heard… Read More
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Man at a computer with a speech bubble that reads "Did you know"
The pandemic has accelerated digital disruption in every sector, and possibly none more so than higher education. Faced with expectations to pivot on a moments notice with websites that need to do more heavy lifting than ever before, colleges and universities are taking a closer look at the… Read More
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Figures running across a dot EDU
As as one of the Drupal trainers for Promet Source, I have the privilege, month after month, of witnessing the lights going on among participants in our online classes as they realize the game-changing differences between Drupal 9 and Drupal 7.  Considering that Drupal 7 is slated for end-of-… Read More
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Drupal Now with Drupal 9 logo