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Google’s search ranking algorithm was updated in 2015 to reflect a critical factor in user experience: mobile accessibility. More than half of all searches in major markets such as the U.S. and Japan happen on mobile devices, so Google began ranking webpage results with a mobile layout and design… Read More
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Mobile search
When we discuss Continuous Integration, one of the core principles is a process for self-testing your Drupal site build. Automated testing was a thorny prospect in previous versions of the Drupal CMS. That is, until the release of Drupal 8. This post covers how and why Drupal 8's support for… Read More
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Drupal 8 logo
“WWW” doesn’t stand for Wild Web West. Modern day web applications need to be secure from any threats, and while the Internet is an open network and anyone is subjected to potential damage, the question is, “How do we prevent or at least minimize this risk?" Security is more critical… Read More
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Web security
An installation profile "turns on" functionality and pre-configures a Drupal Installation so that, instead of starting with a blank slate, you have a customized installation fit for your needs and close to being production-ready. It is important to note that installation profiles need to have… Read More
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