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At Promet Source, our favorite types of questions are “why not?” and “what if?”  This mindset energizes new approaches and possibilities. It’s the perspective that’s fueled a lot of our collective brainpower lately, sparking some big questions such as:  What if we could leverage the… Read More
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What is Provus?
Early in 2020, as COVID-19 began to seize headlines, counties throughout California were on the front lines as “hotspots,” and citizens of Marin County were paying close attention.  Understanding the critical importance of conveying alerts and daily updates in a visually powerful format that… Read More
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Marin County Covid-19 website
Heuristics is one of those words that sounds extremely academic, but whose meaning is refreshingly simple. Essentially, heuristics refer to rules of thumb, mental shortcuts—or the kinds of decision-making frameworks that we engage in every day. Sometimes we do so consciously, other times, we act in… Read More
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Web Usability Heuristics
Until recently, content management systems essentially fell into one of two camps: Intuitive, easy-to-create and manage SAAS solutions, such as WIX and Squarespace, or Flexible and scalable solutions, such as Drupal, for websites with complex data models and a depth of content.   Quantum… Read More
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Drag and drop banner
Often, the most effective means of managing complexity is a laser-sharp focus on simplification—breaking down a project into its smallest component parts and visualizing incremental  steps toward completion beginning with the smallest building blocks.    That’s exactly what Brad… Read More
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Depiction of Atomic Design Elements
When Lehigh University set out to redo its website for prospective undergraduates, one overriding factor was crystal clear to the staff members and stakeholders who were making the key decisions concerning the site. The cohort of digital natives to whom the website needed to appeal, was likely to… Read More
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Lehigh University Alumni Hall
Just because a website is required to follow WCAG 2.1 accessibility guidelines doesn’t mean it can’t have a great design. Sometimes this misconception can frustrate designers before they even begin to understand the accessibility guidelines and the reasons they exist. Get our 12 Point Design… Read More
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The word "design" in lower case letters overlaid with braille dots and the "accessible by Promet Source" logo
At DrupalCon2019 earlier this month, Promet Source tapped the collective brainpower with a Human-Centered Design activity that asked this question: “What are the key advantages, the main challenges, and the emerging opportunities of Drupal as an Information delivery platform?” Within… Read More
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Three panels of Post-It Notes, Pink, Blue, Green for Rose, thorn, bud