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Takeaway: Federal agencies face significant challenges in creating modern, accessible, and user-friendly websites, falling short of accessibility standards and user expectations. DUSWDS is a solution to these challenges. It is a USWDS-aligned Drupal distribution specifically designed for federal… Read More
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DUSWDS: Your Agency's USWDS-Aligned CMS Solution
Note: This article has been reviewed by Level Access Senior Accessibility Consultant Mickey Williamson.   Takeaway: Streamline Section 508 compliance with proven strategies and DUSWDS, a tool designed to modernize federal websites while ensuring accessibility—saving time, reducing… Read More
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 Key Strategies for Achieving Section 508 Compliance header
Takeaway: Drupal GovCon 2024 was a fantastic opportunity to connect with federal digital innovators, share our expertise, and explore the future of open-source solutions in government. The event was a resounding success, with engaging discussions, hands-on training sessions, and a deep dive into… Read More
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Drupal GovCon: Transforming Federal Digital Experiences
Note: This blog was first published on February 2, 2021, and has been updated to reflect new information and insights. Takeaway: Drupal is a powerful, open-source choice for government websites due to its advanced features and capabilities. It’s no secret that as an agency committed to bringing… Read More
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Drupal for Government-Skyline with Drupal logo
We consult with dozens of county and municipal government website stakeholders every month, and more so than ever before, one overarching theme emerges: High constituent expectations coupled with budget constraints are contributing to an environment in which the stakes for getting it right are high… Read More
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Representation of a checklist for government websites
Takeaway: By choosing open source, public sector organizations can better serve their constituents while responsibly managing taxpayer resources. As demonstrated by Orange County's successful migration, open source empowers government agencies to create more flexible, secure, and cost-… Read More
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Icon of a government building with code on the columns