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My name is Katherine Shaw and I am a front end web developer at Promet Source. I'd like to start by sharing a little bit of my background, as it has helped me to understand why accessibility, on the web and in the world around us, is such an important issue. I am an advocate for web… Read More
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close up photo of person using assistive technology
Note: This blog was first published on July 14, 2022, and has been updated to reflect new information and insights. Takeaway: We’ve seen how government CMS preferences evolve with entity size, shifting from specialized proprietary solutions for smaller entities to enterprise-level, often open… Read More
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Scale with an open and locked locks and USA stars between them
Takeaway: Government CMS preferences evolve with population size, shifting from specialized proprietary solutions for smaller entities to enterprise-level, often open-source platforms for larger ones. This shift reflects the need for greater scalability, flexibility, and advanced features as… Read More
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Chart showing increasing population size
Takeaway: Government CMS preferences vary dramatically by level and size: While smaller cities favor specialized proprietary solutions, larger entities and States prefer flexible or enterprise solutions. That's why it's important to pick a CMS that fits your government’s context and needs.… Read More
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Pie chart showing percentages of CMS market share
Note: This blog was first published on February 2, 2021, and has been updated to reflect new information and insights. Takeaway: Drupal is a powerful, open-source choice for government websites due to its advanced features and capabilities. It’s no secret that as an agency committed to bringing… Read More
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Drupal for Government-Skyline with Drupal logo
Takeaway: Building and adding an AI chatbot on a county website requires careful planning, development, deployment, and maintenance. We recently used Promethia, our custom chatbot solution, to build a chatbot for the Martin County Library System and did a live demo for Drupal4Gov. So, I… Read More
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Chatbot with message
Note: This blog was first published on May 24, 2023, and has been updated to reflect new information and insights. Takeaway: DrupalCon Portland 2024 offers valuable sessions, summits, and exhibitors useful to State and local government agencies. As an attendee, you'll have the opportunity to learn… Read More
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DrupalCon Portland 2024
Takeaway: AI and LLMs have significant potential in making user experience better for government constituents, so in the April 18 webinar with Drupal4Gov, we share our journey of developing a conversational search chatbot for the Martin County Library System, powered by LLMs and seamlessly… Read More
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woman and chatbot talking