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Takeaway: AI and LLMs have significant potential in making user experience better for government constituents, so in the April 18 webinar with Drupal4Gov, we share our journey of developing a conversational search chatbot for the Martin County Library System, powered by LLMs and seamlessly… Read More
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woman and chatbot talking
Last December, I wrote about AI as a tool for Drupal development – a concept that, for many, sounds like a huge leap forward, and it is. But it’s just the beginning. We’re not far from AI acting as an actual Drupal developer. AI tools capable of doing developer-like work already exist in various… Read More
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AI for Drupal Development
2023 was that year that Artificial Intelligence emerged from the futuristic shadows and into the spotlight, sparking transformative new levels of innovation, efficiency, and productivity.  Here at Promet Source, we’ve leaned into the tipping point for AI, and the reality that in 2024, AI is… Read More
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AI Integrations for Drupal
Promet’s blog is powered by the collective brainpower of our company’s developers, solutions architects, web accessibility experts, marketers, account managers, SEO experts, Drupal trainers, and executive leadership.  Week after week, we provide the Open Source communities that we serve with… Read More
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Promet top blog posts of 2023
2023 appears to be the year that Artificial Intelligence emerged from the shadows and into the mainstream, but the potential of AI has barely scratched the surface. AI is here and its impact on life and work is developing at an exponential pace.  As this disruptive technology is generating… Read More
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AI for Drupal Development
As AI is steadily seeping into nearly every aspect of modern life, government website stakeholders are sorting through what’s new and next to explore possibilities, embrace advantages, and avoid pitfalls.  AI refers to a multifaceted mix of technologies, that draw upon advanced computer… Read More
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AI for Local Government websites
2023 is shaping up as the year that the concept of artificial intelligence catapulted past the hype and into the mainstream of life and work – as well as Drupal development. A far-reaching process that integrates massive quantities of data for correlations and patterns, AI taps into many… Read More
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Artificial Intelligence for Drupal Websites