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Karen Da Cruz
Project Manager

Karen Da Cruz

Karen Da Cruz's passion for agility started when she toured the Chanchamaya rain forest near her hometown in Lima, Peru. There, she was fascinated by the agility of the Masked Titi monkey and she has used that monkey as her totem animal, guiding her in Agile Project Management.* A certified Scrum Master, Karen is no stranger to managing large teams to fulfill customer requirements across multiple applications. She learned to write HTML before she learned to drive and has been a veritable tech geek ever since - going on to programming, front-end devlopment, systems engineering, digital marketing and finally, Agile Management. After earning diplomas in Systems Engineering and Digital Marketing, she embarked on a career that has included roles at, IBM, Moving Interactive and IDC. Impressed already? Brace yourself. Karen is also a co-founder of Women in Technology in Peru, a national outreach program providing support and education for young women in technology.

At Promet Source, she is known for her technical blogs for the Spanish audience. Sadly, the curator of the blog cannot read them so they very well could just be diary entries about her day trips to the Incan ruins or her Japanese Manga drawings.  Based on her high-tech history, we trust that they are chock-full of great advice.

*The rain forest/monkey story was fabricated. Although, she is both Peruvian and dedicated to Agile Development, so who knows?