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Anthony Neumann
Drupal Developer

Anthony Neumann

Ask Anthony about his special skills in web development, and you'll receive an extensive list of "funny computer lingo": Drupal, CakePHP, CodeIgnitor, Symfony, Ruby, MySQL, Postgres, SQLite3, Angular JS, Backbone JS, SASS and more (seriously, a LOT more; that was 10% of the list). These skills started when he was still a young man in high school when he built his first website centered around the golf community and stat tracking. Many of these skills were honed when he earned his degree in Computer Engineering from Kettering University. Of course, most of the skills were solidified on-the-job for clients such as the San Francisco Symphony, Loyola University Health System and the New York Philharmonic.

He sounds fancy, right? He is! But, Anthony is a mere mortal as evidenced by his adult love for cartoons, obsession for golf and tendency to injure himself whilst performing home improvements. Fun fact: Anthony is deeply intrigued by "the unknown" and has developed a shortened commute to Promet using a wormhole as a short cut. Unfortunately, this theoretical passage is currently inaccessible. 
